Our foundation provides resources to make an impact upon our children's lives and our local communities.

Daly Elementary
Tether & Basketball Hoops
Reading Program
Gym Scoreboard
Climbing Dome
Speaker System for Running Program
Corvallis Primary School Reading Program
Shot Clock Donations
Darby High School
Hamilton High School
Corvallis High School
Victor High School
Stevensville High School
Florence High School
RAL Trail
RAL Trail Expansion
Children's Museum of Northeast Montana in Glasgow
Corvallis Lending Library
Corvallis Track & Field Shot Put & Discus Rings (created through a partnership with the Rapp Family Foundation
Bitterroot Aquatic Center Playground
City of Hamilton - Basketball Hoops for Taulman Fields
Bitterroot Public Library - Animal Wonders Sponsorship
Bitterroot Strikers - T-Shirt Sponsorship
Speaker System - Daly Elementary School Running Program
Hamilton Christian Academy - javelins & track uniforms
Upgrades to Murn Park - Town of Terry, MT
Pool mats - Bitterroot Aquatic Center
Tennis court bleachers - Hamilton High School
Darby Public Schools - Playground Upgrades
Spike Prime Robots from Lego Education - Hamilton Middle School
Sound system, game tables, games - HMS Bronc Corral

Play Like Robert is a non-profit that engages in charitable and educational activities. Our mission is to support various charitable organizations and make an impact in the community, create engaging environments for children to get active, and support educational systems and resources.
We inspire action to benefit children.